To keep it right at the beginning: Latex is the most fantastic material ever. Whenever it’s possible I wear latex and love to do. Every moment in latex is for me a dream come true. And since I love latex so much on my skin, I sometimes come as a little intoxication and want to wear more and more latex.
On a really nice summer day I wanted to really relax and wanted to wear as much as possible on latex. I just imagined how wonderful it is when I sit with a nice cold wine in the sun and is completely enveloped by latex. So I took in my first layer my beloved transparent latex catsuit. At the moment, I just want to wear this catsuit by Simon O., as I feel puddle in it. Then I pulled a beautiful red latex bathing suit and red latex stockings. Finally^, I remembered my own latex harness, which I pulled over the combination and immediately felt really sexy.
I took my glass of wine, chose a nice couch and sat down at the pool. It was a dream! A very light wind cooled me now and then, the wine tasted fantastic and the view was phenomenal. All in all actually perfect, but it was really also a nice summer day. The sun was shining, and I slowly felt myself start to sweat. Something like this actually happens almost never but this time I had to sweat. Actually nothing bad, but since the sun was really hot, I seriously wondered whether in the middle of the summer latex is really the best swimwear.
So I made a following decision! I took off my latex clothes. Yes, I really dared. I can now imagine your horror facial expression, because who would have suspected that I would take off latex voluntarily. And also because of such voidness as sun and sunshine?
Well, I can soothe you so completely on latex can and I will not do without. Rather, I decided that I would take off my transparent suit and wear only my stockings and my latex bathing suit again. So much less latex but hey - did you really think that I would take off the latex completely? No, this is not a question at all. If I want to relax, I want to enjoy the moment. In doubt, I prefer to go in the shade 😉
Lara Larsen
Comment to Burning Hot
WOW!! I never get bored of saying this; you're so far ahead of everyone else that it's starting to get embarrassing now. The colours pop magnificently, the layering is absolutely, exquisitely perfect, and I think you look incredibly classy with your hair up like that!! It's just beautiful!!
Thank you sooooooo soooo much 💗
Well, wow. Love the video in particular 😃 Is it fair tonsah it was a bit hot in two layers of latex in the sun?!!! 😃
*giggles* yesss... totally... but does it matter if it's latex? 😜
Yep Burning Hot is a great name for this set, you most certainly are burning hot. Red certainly suits you, fantastic video as well.
Thank youuuu 💗
You are so Pretty so Thank Good You are on this Planet.!