I had a really great time with latex this summer, especially my frequent visits to the beach at a local lake. I'd fooled my best friend that, because of my new huge tits, I didn't feel comfortable being "nearly naked" - they're much bigger now and really bounce around. She knows about my boob job, of course, and she knows about my passion for latex and I kept telling her that I'd only feel comfortable if I was wearing rubber, fully wrapped in it. I mentioned it a lot and she soon believed me. Of course, I was joking! I LOVE people looking at me, making me feel objectified ... but she doesn't know THAT much about my latex passion *giggles* 😉
So it came to a weekend recently when we were going to head to the beach and I was winding her up that she would be in a skimpy bikini but that I would be completely covered up. I kept to my word and I went fully covered in latex, but not quite how she expected 😉 I'd driven to the lake and parked with my photographer and then had to walk through many people to get to the beach area, and as I arrived to meet my friend she gave me a stern look. I pretended to be serious and asked her what was wrong, but we soon starting giggling and laughing. I was, indeed, totally sealed up inside full rubber but it was my tight transparent latex catsuit! With a gorgeous pink latex leotard over it, anyone looking quickly might not even notice my kinky rubber doll suit underneath, and the leotard could easily have been a swimming costume. I was, in fact, completely shiny and covered but almost naked 😃
For the walk to the beach I'd worn a pink net shirt over my rubber outfit, but I still saw how all the men looked at me 😃 At first I was a bit nervous about revealing the full outfit, but I took a deep breath and pulled off my net shirt. If someone one hadn't really noticed me before then they couldn't help it when I stood there in my kinky rubber leotard and shiny transparent catsuit.
My friend said I was a "shiny rubber doll" as I stood in the sun, out in public, with nowhere to hide, the skintight leotard cutting into my sexy butt and men looking at me. It was turning me on a little and I decided to step it up a notch. I'd intended to do it just for my friend, but with all the people around it wasn't going to be a private show. I was a little unsure of the "audience" but if I plan something I usually see it through, so I wriggled my way out of the leotard, slowly revealing my whole body to everyone. Soon I was standing in front of my friend wearing just the transparent catsuit, but I kept a straight face and stood as if I was wearing "normal" clothing. She was aghast *giggles* as everyone could see my whole body, my pussy, my ass and my big tits, my nipples squished against the tight rubber. I have, of course, presented myself in this way ready to be used by masters, but on the beach, with my friend in public with lots of people around ... I had butterflies in my belly!
I feigned a puzzled look and my friend asked what was up. I said: "I told you, I prefer to be completely covered up." She laughed as I bent over, displaying my whole body for everyone, and took a transparent latex hood from my bag. I peeled it open and began to slide it over my face, pulling my hair into place and tugging at the tight rubber to position it so the eye, nose and mouth holes were aligned, then I tucked my hair away and released. Other than my hands and feet (in clear high heels, of course!) I was now totally sealed inside tight transparent latex; completely covered but totally naked.
I was a rubber doll on the beach and it felt fantastically kinky as the tingling in my belly became more intense. Everyone was looking at me while I relaxed and enjoyed the sun. Thankfully, being the last days of the summer, it was just nice and warm, not scorchingly hot, so I wasn't sweating too much inside my rubber skin (I couldn't exactly hide any sweat drops!)
My girlfriend now knew that I'd been joking about being worried on the beach about covering my new big tits. She then noticed my wet crotch (I couldn't hide that, either!) She laughed and lay down beside me, touching me between my legs and said: "You really are a rubber doll; a totally crazy latex fetishist. We'll have a good night tonight."
Fashion: Transparent Clear Latex Catsuit
Lara Larsen
Comment to RubberDoll at Beach
Wow you look amazing i wish i was on that beach with you xxxxx
Thank you so much... well now it's getting winter but maybe next summer 😁
So very hot. Sizzling.
So-o...did you & your gf have a good night that night? Enquiring minds want to know!
*smiles* That will be told in another photo set 😜
Yow! Cannot wait! (Is she in latex also?) ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥
Sorry... no she isn't 😞
Absolutely stunning! Your curves are truly sensational in this outfit!
Oh my - this is sooo cute. Thank you! I also LOVE the color on my... looks like a little Barbie ... fortunately she was also a "rubber" girl 😁
Very sexy latex outfit and the weather looks lovely out there.
I had so much luck with the weather! After this day it was getting colder and now I can't imagine anymore that it was so beautiful sunny and warm. I'm looking forward for the coming summer 😃
You look really so hot in that oufit as the weather Lara no wonder everyone was looking at you
Thank you so much... I'm pretty sure this vibrating color was already a good reason that I was such a spot at the beach 😁
Wow... To bad I am never a witness for something like this.. Nice story!
Was your lady friend also wrapped in something special?
Sorry, unfortunately she is not really into latex 😞
WOW! Your new puppies look AMAZING! And the leotard is stunning on you, complementing your hair beautifully. And the catsuit is wonderful; almost perfect 😉 (you know what would make it perfect lol)
Thank you sooo sooo much! I'm also very proud... as you know 😜
Why are you doing this if you're not comfortable?
Well, I didn't said I didn't felt uncomfortable... but new moments are also are crazy also for me but I LOVE to be the kinky girl 😉
Oh my god ... you do look so naked in the latest pix. Unbelievably sexy!! What a body and what a treat for anyone on that beach!! Totally awesome 😃
Well, at the first moment I was looking seriously naked and available but you will see me soon with my transparent latex hood. And who would like to use a rubber doll freaky? 😜
Hmmmmm using a rubber doll 😃 Yes please 😃 And, I don't know how to say this without sounding rude but ... well ... you know ... your tits look incredible!!! 😉 What an awesome figure 😃
You made a compliment for my boobies... how could this sound rude? 😁
Dear Lara , I love all your work , all your pics but specialy when you are " dress " in transparent latex . You look so beauty , sexy...and your new boobies...oh my....just perfect. Dear Lara , maybe is too late ,but I wish you all the happiness &love in your life.HAPPY BIRTHDAY LARA !.
Thank you soooooo much! 💗
Transparent catsuit and hood. *drooooools* 😉
I know you love it as well ... I think you should try it soon for youself 😉